Who Let the Dog Out?
Britain’s life revolves around her horses, so when she heard about NIGHTWATCH® she knew she had to have one. After purchasing one for her new hunter mare, Saphiera, Britain met with the NIGHTWATCH® team at the Wellington Equestrian Center in Wellington, FL. The team always enjoys getting to meet our passionate clients and their amazing horses so it was a treat spending a morning with them and hearing how she uses her smart halter.
Britain and Saphiera live life on the road, so having objective evidence for peace of mind means everything to them. Saphiera’s resting heart rate tends to stay around 40 bpm, so when Britain received an alert that her horse’s heart rate remained elevated to nearly 80 bpm for a period of time, she high-tailed it to the Tryon Equestrian Center where she was stalled for a show. Upon arrival, she discovered a loose dog running around the show grounds pestering the horses. While this was fortunately not a dire situation for Saphiera, it easily could have been and that is something Britain would not have known without an alert.