Connecting with the Future of the Equine World

Our team is continually reminded of how fortunate we are to have a wide array of wonderful clients. We knew from the very beginning that this product would truly be a team effort. Adopting new technology can be scary and we had to build this business on a client base who was equally invested in the long-term potential of this life-saving technology - for the future of our horses.
One of the amazing clients who has been with us from the beginning is Dr. Amy McLean from the UC Davis Department of Animal Science. She began using the technology within the smart halter to analyze post-transit distress in mules. As a researcher, it is imperative for Dr. McLean to have access to reliable, objective data. As a mule owner, it is important for her to have a high-quality and safe device she can rely on for the wellness of her herd.
With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic shutting down the country this Spring, Dr. McLean invited our team to present as remote guest lecturers during her ANS 141 class on Equine Marketing. It was an honor to speak with her students, who are the future of this industry that is so near and dear to our hearts. A few of these students shared some words on how they connected to the story behind NIGHTWATCH and the future of this product.
"Their personal stories really tugged at my heart strings and seeing how much they cared for and loved their own horses was really relatable to me. I think the emotional element of their product is a really great marketing strategy as we can all agree that we love our horses like family, and are willing to do anything to prevent losing them. The halter was also really inspiring as they saw their loss [of a personal horse, Snoop] as an opportunity to take action in order to save others."
"Their idea of using technology to help save the lives of horses touched my heart. This device will be able to alert the owner of first signs of distress allowing the horse to get treatment literally as soon as possible which is amazing."
"Their origin story is inspiring and their product will save many lives, and I'm excited to see where they are in the future."
"It is amazing that, unfortunately due to a tragedy [after the loss of Snoop], this piece of technology was constructed to help in preventing health hazards in horses. I've never seen a piece of equipment so sophisticated. With the use of this technology, horse owners are able to supervise the well-being of their animals, without physically being there. This is most important when animals are left alone for long periods of time, specifically at night. I believe this to be very useful when it comes to supervising behaviors that are not shown physically."
We believe the shared love of horses is a powerful motivator. Hearing how these aspiring entrepreneurs connected to the story behind the NIGHTWATCH smart halter, reinvigorated our team for the journey ahead. We are so grateful for the continued support of many and are excited for what lies ahead for these students!
Thank you to Dr. Amy McLean of UC Davis for her support and this special opportunity. You are a true horsewoman and we are inspired by your continued service within this industry!